Functions13 public, 1 private
Converts the specified CSV document to a query object. | |||
public | any | csvToQuery | |
Path or content of the CSV file. | |||
required | string | csv | |
Single character only! | |||
string | delimiter | , | |
boolean | hasColumnHeader | true | |
struct | OPTIONS | {} | |
option | string | quote | " |
consider meta directives such as specifying the separator within the CSV | |||
option | boolean | metaDirectives | true |
option | "ARRAY", "QUERY" | returnType | QUERY |
Retrieves all chained rows within the provided query using the specified selector. This method requires ordered rows to perform correctly. | |||
public | array | getQueryValueChain | |
Query to extract the chain from. | |||
required | query | source | |
Key to consider for the chain. | |||
required | string | selectorKey | |
Value of the key to match against for the chaining. | |||
required | string | filterValue | |
Corresponding key(s) of the matching row within the chain. | |||
required | string<> | desiredKey | |
If you need to call this function more than once on the same source query, increment this value. | |||
numeric | instance | 1 | |
Retrieves all rows within the provided query using the specified selector. This method doesn't require ordered rows, but performs slower than [getQueryValueChain]. | |||
public | array | getQueryValues | |
Query to extract the values from. | |||
required | query | source | |
Key to consider for the values. | |||
required | string | selectorKey | |
Value of the key to match against. | |||
required | string | filterValue | |
Corresponding key(s) of the matching row within the chain. | |||
required | string<> | desiredKey | |
public | query | queryAppend | |
required | query | qA | |
required | query | qB | |
public | query | queryFromArrayOfStructs | |
required | struct, struct[] | data | |
Returns all column names of the provided query. | |||
public | array | queryGetColumns | |
required | query | query | |
Prints the source code of the provided query resultset. | |||
public | string | queryPrintSourceCode | |
required | query | q | |
Variable to print. | |||
string | var | query | |
Deletes the specified row or range of rows in the provided query. | |||
public | void | queryDeleteRow | |
required | query | query | |
required | numeric | row | |
numeric | range | 1 | |
Converts the specified row of the provided query to a struct with its columns as keys. | |||
public | struct | queryRowToStruct | |
required | query | query | |
numeric | row | 0 | |
Shrinks the provided query by removing rows based on the specified method. | |||
public | query | queryShrink | |
Query to shrink. | |||
required | query | query | |
Desired maximum size of the resulting query. | |||
required | numeric | size | |
"LAST", "RANDOM" | method | LAST | |
Shuffles the records of the provided query. | |||
public | query | queryShuffle | |
required | query | query | |
struct | OPTIONS | {} | |
option | boolean | preserveColumnTypes | false |
Converts the provided query to an array of structs. | |||
public | array | queryToArray | |
required | query | source | |
Coverts the provided query to CSV according to RFC 4180. | |||
public | struct | queryToCSV | |
Query to export as CSV. | |||
required | query | source | |
struct | OPTIONS | {} | |
option | boolean | header | true |
Delimiter to use in the CSV. | |||
option | string | delimiter | , |
Prepend a meta line to indicate the delimiter in the CSV. (only supported by MS Excel) | |||
option | boolean | delimiterHint | false |
Character(s) used for newlines. | |||
option | string | newline | chr(13) chr(10) |
Append a newline to the end of the output. | |||
option | boolean | appendNewline | false |
Character used for escaping values in the CSV. | |||
option | string | escape | " |
Always use quotes to wrap values. | |||
option | boolean | forceQuotes | false |
Prepare HTTP header for download. | |||
option | boolean | download | true |
Filename of the download. | |||
option | string | filename | export |